This will stop the judges from volunteering to work for CPS and paid to remove children. Open up the courts to public oversight. This will happen in Riverside county even if these Judges don’t like the pay cut
Tagged: administrative court, Administrative Office of the Courts, America, American Safe Families Act, appeal, appealable issues, Appellate court, ASFA, audit, Audits, Investigations & Grand Jury Reports, CA DSS, California Department of Social Services, california welfare & institutions code, CAPTA, Child, Child protection, collaborative partners, corruption, county agencies, court cohorts collecting kids for cash, dependency, dependency court, detention, dpss, dyfs, economic development department, falsified documents, falsified drug test documents, falsified evidence, funding fraud, grand jury, Hearing, illegally kidnapped, investigations of cps. acfs, jurisdiction, jury trial, juvenile, kidjacked, legally kidnapped, malfeasance, Mondale Act, perjury, Public social services, social services, Social Work, Social Workers, tax frau